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In Louisiana in mid-February, a man was reported for allegedly peering into the homes of strangers while he was dressed in a full gorilla costume.

A concerned citizen called for police assistance when they believed they had witnessed someone dressed in black that was looking inside of people’s homes without their knowledge.

When the authorities arrived in the reported vicinity of the alleged peeping-Tom activities they came across a man decked out in a black, furry gorilla costume.

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An Oregon man whose van got stuck in the snow is facing felony charges after he called for assistance and was allegedly caught with a teenage girl who had gone missing from home.

37-year-old Christopher Thomas Knox reportedly recently rented a van and allegedly took a trip to an area near the capital city of Washington, where he picked up the 13-year-old daughter of a mother with whom he was acquainted.

The pair allegedly went on the road together in the rental vehicle and were driving near the coastal town of Knappa, Oregon, just under 200 miles from the girl’s residence. While navigating through a mountainous area, the van became stuck as a result of the heavy snow that accompanied the recent storm system moving through the region.

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After an entire day with the weapon on the campus of a Pittsburgh elementary school, a young child was found with a loaded gun that he allegedly brought with him on Monday morning.

On February 18, at Faison K-5, a seemingly typical day took place while a hidden potential threat to safety was allegedly tucked away in a kindergarten student’s backpack that was kept inside his locker.

At the end of the day when the kids boarded the bus to return to their homes, the child with the reportedly offending backpack contents shared with one of the other students that he had a loaded gun in his bag.

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A woman who is suspected of disorderly conduct for allegedly becoming intoxicated and snagging a live lobster on her way out the door of a restaurant is being pursued by the authorities after she reportedly failed to appear for a scheduled hearing regarding the allegations.

Last November, 42-year-old Kimberly Gabel was at a local Red Lobster restaurant early in the afternoon when she allegedly became rather drunk and was reportedly annoying the other patrons.

When the manager told Gabel that she would have to leave she allegedly began yelling at him and using obscene language before heading toward the door. Just as she was about to make her departure from the building Gabel allegedly stuck her hand inside of one of the live lobster tanks, snatched one of the shelled critters, and exiting the establishment with it.

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A babysitter and the child she was caring for were shot during a house party after a man allegedly picked up a gun that was left unattended and the piece was reported to have accidentally discharged.

Six people went to a gathering at a residence in Olympia on Saturday, and the authorities have alleged that the attendees were using recreational drugs such as marijuana and alcohol during the soiree.

Just before 11:00 pm, the guests reportedly started to show each other their tattoos. One of the men, in an attempt to show the others a tattoo on his leg, had to pull down his pants. In order to remove them the man had to take the handgun he was carrying out of the article of clothing, and he reportedly handed it to one of the other partiers before he dropped trou to show off his ink.

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A man who was recorded as homeless was recently apprehended when he was suspected of dumping bleach on top of consumable items for sale at Southern California grocery stores.

In a time period spanning from December 14 through January 20, in four separate incidents, grocery stores in Redondo Beach, Manhattan Beach, Westwood, and West Hollywood reportedly discovered that there was bleach spilled on top of some of the consumable frozen products intended for public purchase. The main items that were found to be affected were reported as ice and frozen shrimp.

The stores were equipped with CCTV, and when the federal authorities reviewed the captured material recorded during the periods of time that the incidents were reported they saw what appeared to be a man taking bleach bottles off of the shelves at each of the stores. The man was then shown on the video as he allegedly went to the frozen sections and appeared to dump the contents of the bleach bottles over the ice in coolers in some cases, and frozen shrimp in others.

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A Florida man with a unique method of treating medical ailments is facing charges after the authorities learned that he was allegedly just playing doctor and he was not actually licensed to practice medicine.

73-year-old Onelio Hipolit-Gonzalez placed an advertisement in a Hispanic-based online community promoting his medical services for those seeking a doctor in the Tampa Bay area. He reportedly publicized that he specializes in diagnosing and treating conditions such as Parkinson’s disease, cancer, diabetes, and a host of other illnesses.

According to the Florida Department of Health, they stumbled upon the ad of a “Dr. Hipolit-Gonzalez,” which reportedly displayed a picture of the man in what appeared to be a white physician’s lab coat. After looking into his credentials they reported that they did not have anything on file showing that Hipolit-Gonzalez was licensed to practice any kind of medicine in the state of Florida.

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A college attendee who also serves as a resident assistant has recently been linked to several fires that were lit on the campus.

Since the end of November, the McIntire dormitory building, which is home for 120 students on the Wheaton College campus, has experienced six small fires for which the origin was unknown.

Between 3:30 and 4:00 am on Thursday, another fire was reported inside the McIntire halls, but it was caught on the security cameras that the school had recently put in place for student safety.

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When a woman allegedly began barking in the direction of a police dog that was on duty, and after her identity was discovered she was taken into custody by the officers working at the scene.

A woman who resides in Lafayette, Indiana, had reportedly stepped out of her house on Tuesday and witnessed a traffic stop in progress. A K9 was at the scene and in the process of checking the vehicle that had been pulled over when the woman began to bark at the police dog.

The officers turned to see where the noise was coming from and they believed that the woman resembled a suspect that had more than one active warrant for her arrest.

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A woman who was previously arrested by an officer and allegedly developed a romantic interest in him has been accused of breaking the glass on the door to enter the police department after hours as a part of her pursuit of the man.

28-year-old Ashley Kristen Keister was arrested in mid-2018 and allegedly developed a crush on the officer that took her into custody.

Since her arrest, Keister has allegedly been sending several daily personal messages to the officer who is the reported target of her affections. She has additionally been accused of placing calls to 911 emergency services more than once in an attempt to speak with the man.

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