Articles Tagged with coffee

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A Florida man was arrested after allegedly trapping a gas station attendant in the bathroom with him, attacking and cutting her with a box knife until the police arrived.

Early in the morning on June 1, a 62-year-old man went to a RaceTrac Gasoline Service Station in Longwood and bought a cup of coffee. It was reported that he left, but returned a bit later and went into the men’s bathroom.

He reportedly came out of the facilities and let one of the staff members know that there was no toilet paper, and asked if they could get some for him. When an employee went in to restock, the man, who reportedly had a box knife, allegedly trapped her and locked the door. He then reportedly attacked her and threw her on the ground. As she struggled to break free, the man allegedly started cutting her with the blade.

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The Arizona wife of a man in the Air Force was arrested and charged for allegedly trying to poison her husband by putting bleach in his coffee in a purported scam to collect his life insurance.

According to reports, a woman and her then-husband, an airman, temporarily moved to Germany when he got stationed there.

Last March, the man reported that something was amiss with the taste of his coffee, which his wife reportedly prepared the night before so it would be easy for him to brew in the morning. After tolerating the foul flavor for a few weeks, he decided to try to discover the cause.

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 A man who was on a flight from Mexico to Los Angeles is facing a felony charge after allegedly punching a flight attendant in the head after a denied request. 

On September 22, a man from Orange County, California, was on board an American Airlines flight from San José del Cabo, Mexico, to Los Angeles International Airport. 

The flight had been off the ground for approximately 20 minutes when the crew started to serve the passengers food and drinks. 

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A man accused of driving under the influence reportedly told the authorities that he has been consuming liquor since he was a child and that he “drinks alcohol like it is coffee.” 

51-year-old James Fuerstenau is from Milwaukee, Wisconsin. According to court records, he has been convicted DUIs on two occasions. 

On July 12, a Racine County sheriff’s deputy was on duty in Caledonia when she reported that she saw a vehicle being operated erratically on I-41/94. 

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An 18-year-old woman who was dissatisfied with her service at Burger King has been accused of causing serious injury by throwing a scalding hot cup of coffee at an employee while they were arguing.

On June 29, Anastasia Lantier and her mother visited a Burger King in Seminole, Florida.

They decided to order from the drive-thru instead of going inside, and Lantier reportedly had an “issue” and became agitated with an employee.

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A man and woman reportedly entered a stranger’s home without permission, and in addition to taking the resident’s belongings they also allegedly helped themselves to the household amenities.

When a woman arrived at her home and noticed a truck that she didn’t recognize parked in her driveway she became concerned and notified the authorities. While awaiting their arrival she dialed a family member and he came to her home.

The alleged victim’s relative went into the house with a firearm which he used to keep the suspects from leaving the scene before the police arrived.

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