Articles Tagged with bruises

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The principal of an Oklahoma school is facing legal troubles after allegations regarding the amount of force he used while punishing two elementary school children with a paddle.

50-year-old Gary Gunckel is the principal of Indianola Public Schools in Oklahoma.

On September 6, a 10-year-old and 11-year old boy was punished by Gunckel when he hit them on their behinds with a wooden paddle after they got into a fight at school.

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A high school student and her mother are facing charges after they allegedly assaulted employees of the institution.

Danazia Whitfield, an 18-year-old deaf girl, attends DuPont Manual High School in Louisville, Kentucky. On April 26, she was sent to the assistant principal’s office due to a dispute she had with a teacher and another student.

Whitfield placed her backpack in a spot that was obstructive while she sat outside of the office and a school security monitor picked it up and moved it to a less intrusive place.

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A Jacksonville, Florida, school teacher is facing charges for hitting another mother who was present at a youth baseball practice when the teacher allegedly took offense to the other woman’s choice of clothing.

On February 23 at the Orange Park Athletic Association baseball field around 7:00 p.m. parents and spectators gathered to watch children during a little league practice session. Terry Lee Coursey, a 37-year-old mother and language arts teacher employed at Clay High School, was amongst those in attendance.

Coursey, who is from Mesquite, Texas, but now resides in Orange Park, Florida, reportedly noticed another mother and took issue with the woman’s attire, and chastised her for wearing shorts that exposed more than what she felt was appropriate for the event.

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Two employees and a customer at a Massachusetts Dunkin’ Donuts were involved in an altercation leading to assault and battery charges for all three women, and the discharge of the employees from their positions.

During the morning of January 21 34-year-old Sharon Bimbo entered the Tewksbury location of the Dunkin’ Donuts chain accompanied by her husband, her 12-year-old daughter, and her daughter’s dog who serves as the girl’s emotional companion pet. They visited the store in order to address an order from the day before that they said had been incorrect, and they placed an order for a coffee and a muffin while they were there.

The little girl’s dog was allegedly atop one of the tables while the family waited for their order to be prepared, and it caught the attention of the workers who reported it to the manager. The family was approached and the manager explained that they would need to take the dog outside because their policy does not allow emotional service animals in the building.

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An Oklahoma man who was left to care for his girlfriend’s child as she ran errands on Saturday is suspected of causing injuries to the boy by striking him as punishment for opening a Christmas present early without permission.

Bridgette Payne enlisted her boyfriend, Wesley McCollum, to babysit her 5-year-old son Ayrian while she finished her holiday errands. At some point during the time she was out shopping McCollum allegedly used physical disciplinary measures when he noticed Ayrian had gone under the Christmas tree and opened one of the wrapped gifts.

When Payne returned home McCollum informed her that he had sent Ayrian to bed early because of his misbehavior, and she went into the bedroom to check on her son. She became highly distraught when she noticed bruises covering his body and the impression of a hand on his face as if he had been slapped. When Payne asked the child what happened she reported that he told her, “Wesley hurt me bad mama.”

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