Articles Posted in Assaults & Batteries

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The live-in ex-wife of a Florida man allegedly disturbed his sleep and left him with a bloody injury when she reportedly tore the CPAP machine off his face because she was angry.

According to reports, a man and woman who were married until 2009 recently began residing together in a home in St. Petersburg, despite the dissolution of their legal union.

It was reported that early in the morning on August 1, the 42-year-old man was sleeping in his bed with a CPAP machine attachment on his face. According to the police report, the man’s 42-year-old former spouse had been drinking alcohol, and she allegedly entered the room.

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When a Florida Man was made to leave a bar in West Palm Beach, he allegedly came back with a gun to threaten the staff and assaulted the proprietor of the business with a belt.

On July 23, a man visited Girafa’s Sports Bar in West Palm Beach. While he was there, he drank so much alcohol that he reportedly became unruly and started to bother the other patrons. He was asked to leave, and the man complied and walked out of the establishment.

He pulled out of the parking lot in his truck, and the man reportedly returned to the bar shortly after.

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A man in Florida is facing charges after allegedly kicking and striking a woman several times while she had an infant in her arms because he believed she was having an affair.

On the morning of July 26, a woman was at home with her four children and a male guest. The man reportedly became angry because he believed the woman was cheating on him, and an argument ensued.

The situation reportedly escalated, and the man allegedly became physically violent. According to reports, he kicked the woman and struck her with a closed fist. He also allegedly spit on her and picked up a child’s scooter and hit her with it. The baby was still in her arms and they reportedly both fell to the ground. The other three children were also present during the alleged attack.

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When the police arrived at a home after an allegedly intoxicated man and his wife got into a fight, the husband reportedly fled from them for over 30 miles before crashing his truck.

On the morning of July 29, a man and his wife were in their Rozet residence together. The man had allegedly been drinking, and the couple reportedly became entangled in a domestic dispute because he had done so.

At approximately 1:00 PM, the woman learned her husband spent more money on a purchase of liquor, and when she confronted him about it, they got into another argument. The man allegedly started throwing things around the house during their dispute.

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Two arrests were made when a pair of Florida women reportedly got into a fight at a party last summer over stolen liquor and vape pens, and one of them bit the ear off of the other.

Last year on Independence Day, a group of underage teens held a 4th of July party at a home in Callaway, Florida, and it was reported that no adult chaperones were present.

An 18-year-old and her 14-year-old cousin were in attendance, as was the 23-year-old woman who lived next door. As the night progressed into the early morning hours, some of the men at the party began to fight. It escalated until things became physical.

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A Florida woman was arrested after allegedly dousing her sister’s boyfriend with scalding water while he was asleep.

On July 28, a woman and her boyfriend went to the Sanford, Florida, home she shares with her sister. The woman plans to move out, and she was packing some of her belongings. While she worked, her boyfriend fell asleep in her room.

As she was packing, the woman’s mom called and told her she should see what her sister was doing. When she got off the phone, she saw her sister standing at the stove with a pot of water and figured she was preparing food.

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A Florida man with prior felony convictions is facing charges after reportedly getting into a domestic dispute and forcing the alleged victim’s head into a vat of oil before choking her.

On July 20, a man from Rosewood, Florida, who is a convicted felon was at his home when he and a woman he was with began to argue. The dispute intensified, and the fight allegedly became violent.

The man allegedly grabbed the woman and submerged her head in a vat holding an oily substance. The Sheriff’s Office press release described the gunk as a “tar-like substance” used to treat clam and oyster bags.

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A Louisiana man who got into a single-vehicle accident was arrested for many charges after allegedly battering an officer who was trying to interact with him.

On July 20, a man driving a Chevy Impala crashed his car and immediately exited the vehicle. A Special Agent with the Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries spotted the man, who allegedly tried to hide in the woods near the crash site.

The Special Agent tried to tell the man to come out of the woods, but he reportedly refused and hit the agent before running away. The agent was able to catch the man, and he held him while he notified the authorities.

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A Florida man was arrested after allegedly becoming physically aggressive towards his wife when a television show she was watching mentioned homosexuality.

Early in the evening on July 6, a 62-year-old man, and his 62-year-old wife of almost 40 years who live together in a home in the Florida retirement community “The Villages” were hanging out and having some drinks. The woman was watching television and the show she had on presented content that her husband deemed homosexual in nature. The man allegedly became very upset by the material.

The situation reportedly became heated, and the man allegedly pushed his wife onto a reclining chair and prevented her from getting up. The woman kicked at her husband to try to get him off her.

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A Florida woman is facing charges after she allegedly attempted to throw acid on her sister, but it hit her sister’s daughter instead.

On the evening of July 13, a 38-year-old woman and her sister were having a dispute in a Miami home.

The Miami-Dade Police Department went to the residence on a domestic violence call, and the women were reportedly still going at it when they arrived.

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