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A woman in Pennsylvania was arrested after the authorities identified her as the perpetrator who allegedly urinated on potatoes inside a bin at Walmart.

Last Tuesday morning an employee at the 24-hour Walmart in West Mifflin saw a yellow puddle on the floor in the produce department and suspected the liquid was urine. The fluid reportedly appeared as if it was coming from the area of the loose potato bin.

In an effort to ensure safety the potatoes in the offending bin were thrown away, and the area of the store was thoroughly cleansed.

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The mother of a 1-year-old is facing a slew of charges after the authorities allegedly discovered her baby alone in a running vehicle while the woman reportedly took shots of liquor in a nightclub.

On Sunday, just before 2:00 am, 26-year-old Samantha Grace Vaughan reportedly placed her daughter in an infant car seat and drove to a nightclub where her husband was waiting for a ride.

When Vaughan arrived at her destination, the TrackSide Night Club in Copper Cove, she reportedly left her sleeping daughter in the vehicle with the keys in the ignition and the engine running while she went inside the establishment.

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Three arrests were made when the authorities interrupted a group of people who were allegedly gambling at a home in Long Beach, and it was speculated that the activities the suspects were taking part in qualified as an illegal betting operation.

For reasons that have not yet been made public, the authorities turned their attentions to the social activities reportedly taking place inside of a residence in Long Beach.

After they were issued a search warrant on Friday, officers from the Long Beach Police Department showed up and entered the home in question around 9:00 pm.

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In an alleged attempt to gain recognition on YouTube, two teenagers reportedly scripted and acted out what appeared to be a real kidnapping at a mall in Forsyth County causing onlookers with massive concern to notify the authorities.

Some of the visitors at The Collection mall were shaken up on July 3 when they believed they had seen a kidnapping in the act of taking place.

Many people called 911 to report the incident, saying that they had seen a woman with her hands tied and something covering her head being driven out of the mall parking lot. The worried citizens also stated that the purported victim was screaming and saying that the driver was going to murder her.

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When it was discovered that the suspect accused of licking ice cream for sale in Walmart is underage the authorities are now trying to determine what charges she might face in the juvenile justice system.

At the end of June, a video that reached viral status on the internet depicted a female holding an open half-gallon container of Blue Bell Tin Roof Sundae ice cream in a Walmart located in Lufkin, Texas. As a man’s voice can be heard egging her on the young woman took a lick off the top of the product before reaffixing the lid and returning it to the shelf.

The authorities learned of the incident and started trying to locate the person seen in the video, and Blue Bell had all of their half-gallons of Tin Roof Sundae taken off the shelves as a preventative action against buyers being exposed to contamination.

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When an employee discovered a hidden camera recording her while she expressed breast milk at work the woman alleged that the owner of the firm was responsible for the secretly obtained footage.

On December 18, 32-year-old Jessica Clark went to a room in the firm where she works as an architect that she believed was private so she could pump breast milk. She allegedly saw an attaché case placed in a chair beside her. When she looked a bit closer at the briefcase Clark reportedly discovered what she believed was a pen attached to the bag.

Instead of the assumed writing instrument of which it held the appearance, Clark said she found that it was actually a USB style spy camera.

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A Washington man suspected of car prowling has accused the authorities of using excessive force while detaining him for a crime he did not commit.

52-year-old Mark A. Domino and his mother are employed at Walmart in Clarkston, Washington.

Just before 6:00 pm on Monday evening, Domino got off work and headed to his mother’s vehicle to retrieve a clothes hanger.

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The mother of a student was arrested last month when she went to her son’s school and allegedly lashed out at children for their bullying behavior.

Jamie Rathburn has a son who attends Greenbrier Elementary School in the Greenville County School District.

The communications director at the district confirmed that nearly 1,900 reports regarding bullying in the 91 schools in the district have been received over the past three years.

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When he was reported for what was interpreted by the diners of a Naples McDonald’s as public lewd behavior expressed through dance, a homeless man was taken into custody for providing the undesired alleged performance.

On Sunday evening, the patrons of a Florida McDonald’s reportedly saw a man stripping off his clothing while “doing a strange dance.” Some of the witnesses also got the impression that the person was using a railing outside the eatery for sexual gratification.

Collier County Sheriff’s Deputies went to the fast food establishment with the impression that the suspect had dropped his pants while giving the unauthorized public show and saw that the man resembled someone who was not allowed to enter the location due to past problems.

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A woman in Orange County allegedly went to a new mother’s home and tried to take her baby under the false pretense that she was a social worker.

Late Friday morning in Santa Ana, a woman who recently gave birth was at home with her family.

Around 11:00 am, someone knocked at the door and the new mom answered.

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